Hardcore Visual Basic 5.0 (2nd Edition)
Hardcore Visual Basic 5.0 - Second Edition (1997)(Microsoft Press).iso
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235 lines
MultiUse = -1 'True
Attribute VB_Name = "GDraw"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = True
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = True
Option Explicit
Public Enum EErrorDraw
eeBaseDraw = 13460 ' Draw
End Enum
Const PI = 3.1415
Sub BmpSpiral(cvsDst As Object, picSrc As Picture)
With cvsDst
' Calculate sizes
Dim dxSrc As Long, dySrc As Long, dxDst As Long, dyDst As Long
dxSrc = .ScaleX(picSrc.Width): dySrc = .ScaleY(picSrc.Height)
dxDst = .ScaleWidth: dyDst = .ScaleHeight
' Set defaults (play with these numbers for different effects)
Dim xInc As Long, yInc As Long, xSize As Long, ySize As Long
Dim x As Long, y As Long
xInc = CInt(dxSrc * 0.01): yInc = CInt(dySrc * 0.01)
xSize = CInt(dxSrc * 0.1): ySize = CInt(dySrc * 0.1)
Dim radCur As Single, degCur As Integer, angInc As Integer
degCur = 0: angInc = 55
' Start in center
x = (dxDst \ 2) - (dxSrc \ 2): y = (dyDst \ 2) - (dySrc \ 2)
' Spiral until off destination
' Draw at current position
.PaintPicture picSrc, x, y, , , , , , , vbSrcAnd
' Calculate angle in radians
radCur = (degCur - 90) * (PI / 180)
' Calculate next x and y
x = x + (xSize * Cos(radCur))
y = y + (ySize * Sin(radCur))
' Widen spiral
xSize = xSize + xInc: ySize = ySize + yInc + 1
' Turn angle
degCur = (degCur + angInc) Mod 360
Loop While (x > 0) And (x + dxSrc < dxDst - dxSrc) And _
(y > 0) And (y + dySrc < dyDst)
End With
End Sub
Sub SpiralBmp(cvsDst As Object, picSrc As Picture, _
ByVal xOff As Long, ByVal yOff As Long)
With cvsDst
Dim xLeft As Long, xRight As Long, yTop As Long, yBottom As Long
Dim dxSrc As Long, dySrc As Long, xSrc As Long, ySrc As Long
Dim xDst As Long, yDst As Long, xInc As Long, yInc As Long
Dim x As Long, y As Long
' Initialize
dxSrc = .ScaleX(picSrc.Width): dySrc = .ScaleY(picSrc.Height)
xInc = dxSrc / 20: yInc = dySrc / 20
xLeft = 0: yTop = 0:
xRight = dxSrc - xInc: yBottom = dySrc - yInc
' Draw each side
Do While (xLeft <= xRight) And (yTop <= yBottom)
' Top
For x = xLeft To xRight Step xInc
.PaintPicture picSrc, x + xOff, y + yOff, xInc, yInc, _
x, y, xInc, yInc, vbSrcCopy
x = x - xInc: yTop = yTop + yInc
' Right
For y = yTop To yBottom Step yInc
.PaintPicture picSrc, x + xOff, y + yOff, xInc, yInc, _
x, y, xInc, yInc, vbSrcCopy
y = y - yInc: xRight = x - xInc
' Bottom
For x = xRight To xLeft Step -xInc
.PaintPicture picSrc, x + xOff, y + yOff, xInc, yInc, _
x, y, xInc, yInc, vbSrcCopy
x = x + xInc: yBottom = y - yInc
' Left
For y = yBottom To yTop Step -yInc
.PaintPicture picSrc, x + xOff, y + yOff, xInc, yInc, _
x, y, xInc, yInc, vbSrcCopy
y = y + yInc: xLeft = xLeft + xInc
End With
End Sub
Sub BmpTile(cvsDst As Object, picSrc As Picture)
With cvsDst
' Calculate sizes
Dim dxSrc As Long, dySrc As Long, dxDst As Long, dyDst As Long
dxSrc = .ScaleX(picSrc.Width): dySrc = .ScaleY(picSrc.Height)
dxDst = .ScaleWidth: dyDst = .ScaleHeight
' Tile until off destination
Dim x As Long, y As Long, fAutoRedraw As Boolean
fAutoRedraw = .AutoRedraw
.AutoRedraw = False
Do While y < dyDst
Do While x < dxDst
' Draw at current position
.PaintPicture picSrc, x, y
x = x + dxSrc
y = y + dySrc
x = 0
.AutoRedraw = fAutoRedraw
End With
End Sub
Sub Star(cvsDst As Object, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, _
ByVal dxyRadius As Long, clrBorder As Long, _
Optional clrOut As Long = -1, Optional clrIn As Long = -1)
With cvsDst
' Handle optional arguments
If clrOut = -1 Then clrOut = clrBorder
If clrIn = -1 Then clrIn = clrOut
' Start is 144 degrees (converted to radians)
Const radStar As Double = 144 * PI / 180
' Calculate each point
Dim ptPoly(1 To 10) As Long, i As Integer
For i = 1 To 10 Step 2
ptPoly(i) = x + (Cos((i \ 2 + 1) * radStar) * dxyRadius)
ptPoly(i + 1) = y + (Sin((i \ 2 + 1) * radStar) * dxyRadius)
' Set colors and style for star
.ForeColor = clrBorder ' SetTextColor
.FillColor = clrOut ' CreateSolidBrush
.FillStyle = vbSolid ' More CreateSolidBrush
Call MGDITool.VBPolygon(.hDC, ptPoly)
' Set color for center
.FillColor = clrIn ' CreateSolidBrush
Call MGDITool.VBFloodFill(.hDC, x, y, .ForeColor)
End With
End Sub
Sub Fade(cvsDst As Object, _
Optional Red As Boolean = False, _
Optional Green As Boolean = False, _
Optional Blue As Boolean = True, _
Optional Vertical As Boolean = True, _
Optional Horizontal As Boolean = False, _
Optional LightToDark As Boolean = True)
With cvsDst
' Trap errors
On Error Resume Next
' Save properties
Dim fAutoRedraw As Boolean, ordDrawStyle As Integer
Dim ordDrawMode As Integer, iDrawWidth As Integer
Dim ordScaleMode As Integer
Dim rScaleWidth As Single, rScaleHeight As Single
fAutoRedraw = .AutoRedraw: iDrawWidth = .DrawWidth
ordDrawStyle = .DrawStyle: ordDrawMode = .DrawMode
rScaleWidth = .ScaleWidth: rScaleHeight = .ScaleHeight
ordScaleMode = .ScaleMode
' Err set if object lacks one of previous properties
If Err Then Exit Sub
' If you get here, object is OK (Printer lacks AutoRedraw)
fAutoRedraw = .AutoRedraw
' Set properties required for fade
.AutoRedraw = True
.DrawWidth = 3 ' Must be greater than 1 for dithering
.DrawStyle = vbInsideSolid ' vbInvisible gives an interesting effect
.DrawMode = vbCopyPen ' Try vbXorPen or vbMaskNotPen
.ScaleMode = vbPixels
.ScaleWidth = 256 * 2: .ScaleHeight = 256 * 2
Dim clr As Long, i As Integer, x As Integer, y As Integer
Dim iRed As Integer, iGreen As Integer, iBlue As Integer
For i = 0 To 255
' Set line color
If LightToDark Then
If Red Then iRed = 255 - i
If Blue Then iBlue = 255 - i
If Green Then iGreen = 255 - i
If Red Then iRed = i
If Blue Then iBlue = i
If Green Then iGreen = i
End If
clr = RGB(iRed, iGreen, iBlue)
' Draw each line of fade
If Vertical Then
cvsDst.Line (0, y)-(.ScaleWidth, y + 2), clr, BF
y = y + 2
End If
If Horizontal Then
cvsDst.Line (x, 0)-(x + 2, .ScaleHeight), clr, BF
x = x + 2
End If
' Put things back the way you found them
.AutoRedraw = fAutoRedraw: .DrawWidth = iDrawWidth
.DrawStyle = ordDrawStyle: .DrawMode = ordDrawMode
.ScaleMode = ordScaleMode
.ScaleWidth = rScaleWidth: .ScaleHeight = rScaleHeight
End With
End Sub
#If fComponent = 0 Then
Private Sub ErrRaise(e As Long)
Dim sText As String, sSource As String
If e > 1000 Then
sSource = App.ExeName & ".Draw"
Select Case e
Case eeBaseDraw
BugAssert True
' Case ee...
' Add additional errors
End Select
Err.Raise COMError(e), sSource, sText
' Raise standard Visual Basic error
sSource = App.ExeName & ".VBError"
Err.Raise e, sSource
End If
End Sub
#End If